Terribly Good Shoot with Ivan

New face Sheniece stuns us again in her latest shoot styled by Faz (MAKEUP BY SATAN) and shot by Ivan Weiss (www.ivanwiess.org).

How to build a business - By our Founder!

The giffgaff Community reached out to our company and were extremely curious to learn from our founder - Kieran Johnson, about how he managed to establish and maintain himself and his company in what is widely accepted to be one of the most competitive industries in the world! 

Of course Kieran was happy to reveal his tips and tricks in the hope of helping new businesses approach this market in a more positive manner. "Its often very hard for new companies to find the courage to get things off the ground and I'm glad to offer my help, I certainly would've appreciated it back when i first started" - Kieran Johnson

Check out the article HERE 

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Insta Update

Click any image to be taken to our Instagram!

Global Witness

We were lucky enough to be involved in this video which reveals that Shell has de-defrauded the Nigerian and the oil industry. Watch below. Thank you to Richard and Imogen at Alter-eco for the production.